Friday, March 1, 2019

Proverbs 18:13 -- On Hearing

"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him."
Proverbs 18:13

This is an interesting idea, and though reading this it might seem silly, I think this happens a lot more than we realize.  Both in person and through all kinds of media, we seem to have a tendency to respond without really listening--broadcasting ourselves, but rarely tuning in to others.  Often people will read a headline and use it as a basis for judgement or criticism without actually reading the article, or listen to the first few words that someone says, and never get past that, either immediately interrupting or just tuning out and planning a response.  Sometimes we even make up our minds before hearing even one word of counterargument, because our friend or our party or our nation or race or religion tends to believe that, and we just assume it is right and we don't need to think about it.

With some things maybe that is understandable.  After all, when God says something is right or wrong, he's right.  He's God, after all.  However, I submit to you that God *wants* us to think even about those things, to study and learn and understand why God is right.  He wants us to think and listen, and he wants us to be kind to others even when we sin differently.  Today, let's try to hear more and broadcast less.  I'm not saying that we shouldn't have standards or stand up for them.  We totally should, and we should set a good example to the world.  But I think we can do that, *and* listen.  Let's work on understanding other perspectives and people who are different than we are.  Let's set an example, but then let's work on understanding, leaving the judgements to God.

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