Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Matthew 13:33 -- On The Parable of Leaven

"Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened."
Matthew 13:33

Often in the scriptures leaven, or yeast, is used to illustrate corruption, or how fast things can go bad if left unchecked.  In this case though it seems to be used positively, showing how God's kingdom grows quickly from something that can feed several people to something that can feel many.  It is applicable to us as individuals too... as we accept the gospel into our lives, it begins to color everything that we do, and this is a good thing, for although addictions or other corruptions can permeate our lives and cause everything to fall apart, when it is God doing it, it makes everything work together for our good.  Thus the comparison to bread I think, because Christ is the bread of life and that kind of goodness and light filling up our lives is something to welcome. :)

Today, let's welcome the spreading influences of God into our lives and encourage it to spread throughout the world.  Let's be examples and willing to be witnesses of God and all the good that he brings into our lives.

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