Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Romans 12:21 -- On Overcoming Evil With Good

"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."
Romans 12:21

I was thinking about how overwhelming the world can be sometimes, and so when I was listening to the scriptures in my car today this verse jumped out at me.  It's interesting that God doesn't promise us that he won't let evil overcome us, but instead tells us, basically, not to let it happen.  I think that is a huge indication of his trust in us, and his rock solid confidence that we have the power to accomplish what he asks.  ... I think that is part of what faith is as well.  Not just the side where we know God can save us, but the side where we know that *we* can do whatever he asks, and God knows all of those things too, and then it happens.  It's like Matthew 8:2-3 where the leper says "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean" and Christ answers "I will; be thou clean." ... It's where we are on the same page with God, and we both know it can, and will, happen.

And so it is with this verse.  God says don't let the evil overwhelm you.  Instead, turn the tables and YOU overwhelm IT, and if we can catch that idea and let it take hold enough to believe it, then it *will* happen, because miracles happen when we are on the same page with God, because we both know that God's will is going to happen and we are engaged in making it happen.

Today, let's turn the tables on evil, and overwhelm it.  Let's do so much good and BE so good that evil can't prevail.  Let's pray and read and seek to always be on the same page with God, which is the best place to watch the story unfold.

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