Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Acts 16:14 -- On Open Hearts and Asking God

"And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul."
Acts 16:14

I like the phrase here "whose heart the Lord opened" and that the reason that Lydia listened to Paul was that the Lord was helping her in that regard, to pay attention and not dismiss what was said because it didn't fit into her traditions.

There are so many things out there in the world, and so many people trying to sway us one way or another, that it can be really hard to know which way is right.  No one is giving us all the information, sometimes on purpose, but often because they don't know all of it either.

Joseph Smith was in a similar situation, and he took the advice found in James 1:5, to ask of God.  He is the only one who has *all* the information, and so we are going to get a lot further listening to him than listening to our friends, or the news, or online opinions (including mine).  God opened Lydia's heart, and he can do the same for us.

Today, let's look to God for the truth in the world around us.  Let's stay close to him and keep his spirit with us as we listen and respond to others, so that we may be led in the right direction, towards goodness and happiness and towards making the world better and not worse. :)

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