Sunday, December 16, 2018

Psalms 130:3-5 -- On Hope and Obstacle Removal

"If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?
But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.
I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope."
Psalms 130:3-5

The first verse here asks a really good question.  If we are judged for our iniquities, who will be able to endure that judgement?  The answer is none of us. 

Lest we lose hope though, the second verse has the answer to this.  God provides for repentance, which requires more of us than an extra life on a video game, but which is similarly helpful and allows us to let go of our sins and put them behind us.

How is all this possible?  Through Jesus Christ, who brings hope back to us through his sacrifice.  His word and life bring hope back to us.

Sometimes we feel like the atonement isn't enough for us because we're too far gone and sometimes we don't even want to come back and try again.  God has hope for us even in the middle of our despair however.  God can not only erase our sins, but if we are willing he can also change our hearts.  If we want to be kinder or more devoted but we just don't feel it, God can help us there too.  *Anything* that is holding us back God can help with.  As long as we're working with God, things can never be hopeless.

Today, let's go to God with whatever is getting in our way.  Let's work with him to remove the things that are preventing us from progressing.  Even if it is our own stubbornness... if we pray about it, and ask God to help us to change, he WILL.  Not saying it will always be fun, but he can solve any problem we take to him.  We just have to be willing to change, and put in the effort when God shows us what we need to do.  Let's cling to hope, wait upon God to answer our prayers, and be willing to follow through.

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