Sunday, December 9, 2018

D&C 93:29 -- On Beginnings and Futures

"Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be."
Doctrine and Covenants 93:29

I love the simple statement here that we were in the beginning with God.  That simple thing means so much... it helps us know that our brief time on earth isn't all we have.  We existed before, we are going to exist after.  We don't have to be scared or desperate about death or limitations because all of that is just temporary.  I think that is part of what God has been trying to teach us all along.  We are on a long-term quest to make some decisions about who we want to be.  That's something that we shouldn't throw away or brush off in any one moment, but instead something we should be working on as we go.  We have opportunities to learn and to help and to change--ourselves and the world.

Our relationship with God extends beyond this life as well, and renewing and reinforcing that relationship can make a huge difference in our lives now, because God knows us better than we know ourselves, and he can help us live up to our potential and become everything we've ever wanted to be... and more.  All of us were there, not just one or a few.  We were all there together, and he can help us learn to love each other now as we did then, and help each other to rejoin that community, now as well as later.

Today, let's realize a little bit of who we are, and our relationship with God, both of which started well before our current lives.  Let's connect with God and ask him to help us do more and be more... and help more, and connect more.  Let's help the people around us realize that they also know God from way back, and that some part of us all *remembers* him, and knows him.  And let's allow that to make a difference in our lives, and not limit ourselves to short-term answers, but let's invest in God and in the future that he promises us.

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