Sunday, October 7, 2018

Matthew 24:42 -- On Watching for Christ

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."
Matthew 24:42

This verse is referring to the Second Coming, which is important specifically, but is probably also a good reminder that we need to be watching for Christ in our lives generally.  Too often we get caught up with other things and distracted by other priorities, putting other things between us and God.

This verse also implies that we should be ready for Christ to come in our lives, which requires some preparation.  Cleaning up our context is a good idea as well.  Not just ourselves, but where we live and who we run with.  If there are bad influences there, or something that we would be ashamed to show God, then we need to make some changes.

Keeping watch means constant vigilance--making sure that we are always aware of God in our lives, and looking for him in the world around us.  ... This doesn't have to be a burdensome thing at all.  It should be joyful watching--seeing God's hand everywhere, and his positive influence in the world around us.  It can be seeing with his eyes and knowing the infinite potential of all the people we interact with.

Today, let's remember that life is about becoming something, not just a report card of beliefs or attitudes.  Let's accept God all the way, into every part of ourselves, and allow him to change us on the deepest level, including our hearts and our minds.  Let's watch for him, and become more like him--becoming kinder, happier, better people, and looking for the same in the world around us.

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