Friday, October 12, 2018

D&C 58:27 -- On Action and Answers

"Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;"
Doctrine and Covenants 58:27

Sometimes we get stuck trying to make a decision, waiting for God to weigh in and tell us what to do.  And in some ways that makes sense.  God does ask us to look unto him in every thought (D&C 6:36), to ask God about all things (D&C 46:7), and that the words of Christ and the Holy Ghost will tell us all things that we should do (2 Nephi 32:3, 5).

I think where we sometimes get off track is the way that we expect an answer.  We *should* counsel with the Lord in all things.  However, sometimes the answer is that we need to go forth and make a decision ourselves.  God will help us know if we are going in the wrong direction, but often many choices can be good... and God usually course corrects *while* we walk rather than (as we often prefer) before we start.

Today, let's counsel with the Lord and include him in all of our decisions, but let's not become frozen if we don't get an immediate answer.  Let's instead take action and choose, and move forward, doing all the good we can.  If there is more good to do or something that we need to avoid, God will be able to let us know and lead us to opportunities in part *because* we are moving.  If Nephi had just waited for the Lord to tell them how to get the plates, it may not have happened.  But because he moved forward and kept trying, God led him to the answer.  Let us also move forward, bringing to pass as much righteousness as possible.

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