Monday, September 17, 2018

Mormon 9:25 -- On Doubt and Confirmation

"And whosoever shall believe in my name, doubting nothing, unto him will I confirm all my words, even unto the ends of the earth."
Mormon 9:25

I really like this verse where God promises to confirm his words.  There is an interesting juxtaposition here between doubting and wanting confirmation.  I think it shows us the line between questioning and doubting.

God doesn't promise to confirm his words to those who doubt.  On the contrary... he promises to confirm his words to those who do not doubt.  However, this clearly shows us that there is a state where we absolutely believe and have faith, but we still have questions... and it is to people in that state that God promises the answers.

I like this promise, because it shows that God "is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Hebrews 11:6).  We don't get that reward for just wondering.  Instead, we get it when we do the work of getting to know and trust God, experimenting on the word (Alma 32:27), and acting on our beliefs.

I think this also shows us the way forward when we have questions.  If something comes up that we don't understand, instead of letting that one thing undermine all else that we do know, we should trust God and look to him for answers, believing that he will explain it to us as we are able to understand.  I know this works because I have tried it many times.  He is there.  He loves us.  It is a great joy to him when we ask questions, because there is nothing he wants to do more than to teach us.

Today, let's go forward in belief and talk to God about our questions, knowing that he will answer.

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