Monday, May 29, 2017

Psalms 56:11 -- On Fear and Trust

"In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me."
Psalms 56:11

This is a short verse, but a powerful idea.  If we really learned to trust in God, then we could remove an amazing amount of doubt and fear from out lives.  We so often stop at the believe stage with God, thinking that admitting his existence is enough.  However, just like we rarely develop friendships with people we only say hello to,  there is a lot further to go to develop a relationship with God.  Part of that is belief, and even hope, but beyond those are faith and trust.  Knowing that God has written a happy ending even when we're in a scary chapter that doesn't seem at all happy.

Today, let's determine not to fear what ordinary mortals can do to us, but trust in God.  He always makes a way for us to accomplish what he asks, and no mere human can stand in his way or impede his progress.  He will accomplish all that he has set out to do, including saving all of us as we repent and have faith in him.

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