Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Proverbs 3:5-7 -- On Trusting and Departing

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil."
Proverbs 3:5-7

I think that sometimes it is hard to figure out life. :)  We all want to understand it and know exactly what to do... and we don't always get instructions that clearly from God.  Often we'll think we have it all finally figured out, or maybe just part of it.  And then our plans kind of fall apart.  We might feel like failures for a while, but after that we start trying to figure it all out again.  That's a good thing, a cycle of learning, of trying out new things, of becoming stronger and smarter, and working at understanding ourselves and the world around us.  The problem comes when, instead of looking at it all as a learning experience, we start getting mad at God, or trying to cram the extra, unexpected pieces into different shapes... to fit the puzzle that we wanted instead of realizing that once again we've underestimated the size of God's puzzle. :)

It's awesome to learn and grow and become smart and wise.  The problem comes when we start thinking that we are wiser or smarter than everyone else... even God.  We're so not. Even if we could earn a PhD in every degree offered, get all the special training from every government agency and branch of the military in every country, even if we knew all languages on earth at a native speaker level... would we then even know anything--even *ourselves*--better than God does?  The answer is clearly no.  It doesn't mean we shouldn't learn, or try to figure things out at all.  It only means, let's not just tap into the world's learning... let's also tap into a better source, that is conveniently available to us all the time. :)  God. 

The scripture asks us to trust God more than we trust ourselves.  To not think that we can walk a fine line between good and evil, or stand on the cliff of light and dangle our feet over into the dark.  Let's stop thinking that we know where those lines are better than God does, or that we can play with evil and feed it, but that we won't fall in love with it and take it home as a pet.  Let's do as God asks instead, and stay far away.  Today, let's acknowledge God.  Let's pray to him, tell him that we're not as smart as we thought we were, and that we're willing to listen.  Let's ask him to direct our paths.  He knows the way better than we do, and he will help us figure it out. :)


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