Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Proverbs 13:14

"The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death."
Proverbs 13:14

This scripture made me think of law as a positive thing... which it is. I think that often, though, I see the "law" as being restrictive... Police Officers, dress codes, Human Resources, dress codes... did I mention that I currently work for a bank? :) Anyway... maybe some of those things are restrictive in some ways, but helpful... definitely to some people... in others. It is tempting to think of God's laws the same way... they help other people, but not me. :) The truth of it though is that God's laws promote life... the fountain spoken of in the verse. :) Obeying his laws isn't about control or domination in the slightest... it's really about God wanting the best for us, and knowing how we can get it. He's telling us: do these things and you will be happier. The last part of the verse really makes that point. Obeying the law keeps us from the snares of death. Death isn't a snare, except to people who aren't prepared to meet God. Only for people who are still scrambling to try. :) ... and in other ways, as well, God's law offers life rather than death... freedom rather than restriction. Think about sin and how it eats away at you... the law, God's law, offers us freedom from that... even after the fact. God, as always, does everything he does because he loves us.

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