Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Job 13:23

"How many are mine iniquities and sins? make me to know my transgression and my sin."
Job 13:23

This one caught my eye because... I don't think I want to know my iniquities and sins at all.   When I'm driving down the road and I remember some of them, it makes me sad.  So, I guess I was wondering why you would want that.  There was a great cross-reference to the Doctrine and Covenants (18:44) which talks about convincing many of their sins that they may come to repentance.   And maybe that is why.   Maybe we don't really realize all the things that we do wrong, or try to block them out (that's me), but if we actually faced them and dealt with them, it would give us an amazing opportunity for repentance... for that cleanliness of soul that feels better than anything else.  It's also interesting that the other cross-reference was to Alma 36:17.  It's when Alma the younger is stopped on the road by an angel, and struck down.  He is "harrowed" up by the memory of his sins... it is a suffering thing, but also allows him room for repentance as he remembers how to get rid of that feeling.  I think when I just try to shove all of my past sins into a locked box in the back of my mind, I am probably losing that opportunity.  Maybe we have to suffer a little in order to repent.  We have to realize and deal with what we've done wrong in order to change it... but the cool thing is that we CAN change it.  With God's help, we can get through the painful part, and get to the part where we wash them away and they can't hurt us ever again. ... Let's give it a try. :)

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