Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Doctrine and Covenants 58:42-43 -- On Erasing Sin but not Ourselves

"Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them."
Doctrine and Covenants 58:42-43

This seems so cool.  I think that I have mentioned it before, but if God doesn't remember something, and he knows *everything* ... then it doesn't exist, right?  So, he's basically saying that if we repent then we can zap those sins right out of existence. :)  I think that is amazing.  ... the other verse is a little harder to embrace perhaps.  Confessing and forsaking is hard.  I think though, that it is the same idea.  God is saying that he can zap the sins out of existence, but that we have to do the same.  And before we can let them go, and get rid of them completely, we have to own them... admit that they were part of us.  Once we do that, and stop hiding that part of ourselves from us and others, then we can start the work of changing and cleansing ourselves... in essence, zapping the sins out of existence, because they aren't part of who we are anymore. :)

My only other comment is to remember what Boyd K Packer said in the last conference... we aren't condemned for tendencies or temptations, only for transgressions.  I think sometimes we feel so much guilt over sins that we try to wipe our entire lives out and start from scratch... trying to erase all history of the past, but especially attempting to obliterate ourselves. 

That isn't the point of repentance.  God doesn't ask us to confess in order to punish us, or ask us to forsake something because he wants us to rip our hearts out and stomp on them.  He only wants to help us change, and be happier.  Don't destroy yourself and alienate everyone in your attempt to repent... sometimes that kind of purge feels good at the time, but it will just make us miss the sin more, because we remember when we liked ourselves and had friends. :)  Confess and forsake: not decimate and destroy.  Let's go out and start zapping... but let's zap the sins and not ourselves, okay? :)

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