Thursday, January 8, 2004

Alma 19:23

"Now we see that Ammon could not be slain, for the Lord had said unto Mosiah, his father: I will spare him, and it shall be unto him according to thy faith—therefore, Mosiah trusted him unto the Lord."
Alma 19:23

In this story, Ammon is teaching the Lamanites, and because of his success, he is overcome with joy, so much that he faints to the ground from it.  That is extreme joy. :)  Anyway, so as he is lying there on the ground, a man who hates him tries to kill him.  The man raises his sword, and *bam* ... he falls dead.  God told Mosiah that his son would be okay, and he was.  Mosiah's trust was well-placed.  What struck me about this scripture today is Mosiah's trust and faith in the Lord, and that the Lord keeps his promises.  ... I think that we all know that, somewhere inside, but it helps to talk about it.  When God tells us that we can repent and be clean, he means it.  He's not going to bring it up years later or hold a secret grudge.  When he gives us another chance to do better in life, he isn't standing there doubting us, even though we sometimes doubt ourselves.  Everything he offers us is sincere--real--true.  When he says in the scriptures that he won't tempt us further than we can bear... he means it.  If there is no chance of resisting a temptation, or recovering from a spiritual blow... he won't allow it to happen.  I see real hope in that.  Whatever we face today in the unknown immediate future... we have the strength to handle it.  This, even in the middle of the worst emotional blows, and even in the middle of the worst physical suffering.  Whatever it is that we're afraid of, God will help us face.  To me, that is a reason to hope... and hope gets me through the day. :)

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