Thursday, January 16, 2003

Jacob 6:12

"O be wise; what can I say more?"
Jacob 6:12

Funny... he says this, but then he goes on talking for a whole 'nother chapter. :)  Sincerely, though... it is interesting how exacting we are when we want instructions.  The ten commandments aren't good enough for us, we need details. :)  Really, the gospel can be summed up in a few words... "be wise," "be good," or just "love..." :)  The thing is, in our effort to justify our lives, we inevitably ask... "well, exactly how wise do I have to be?" or "how good?" or "well, but I shouldn't be nice to HIM..."  and so God and the prophets do say more, even though, really, it is all the same message.  Be wise.  Let's try to be wise... without hemming and hawing and making selfish exceptions.  I'm not saying that it is easy, but it might be worth a try. :)

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