Thursday, July 11, 2002

1 Peter 4:9

"Use hospitality one to another without grudging."
1 Peter 4:9

Grudging... ick. :)  I'm not sure if it means holding a grudge or just resenting having to be nice, but either way is yucky.  I wonder why it is so hard to be nice sometimes... because it is, I know.  It's almost always easy to be nice to the people we love, but since we aren't perfect at loving everyone, and we just aren't perfect at a lot of things, sometimes it is hard.  So maybe one of the things that we need to do is just to practice being hospitable and nice, even when we don't much feel like it.  And practice not grumbling about it later. :)  So many problems in this world would be solved or lessened if we could let go of past offenses.  It's difficult... to let go, to trust again, to find something else to bond us together rather than a mutual enemy... but we can do it, we can learn to leave the past in the past and work toward a better future.  We just have to practice. :)

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