Wednesday, June 5, 2002

Mark 11:24

"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."
Mark 11:24

The power of belief is remarkable.  If we just had a little more confidence in ourselves, and trust in God... we could do miracles, every day.  Not that we don't do miracles already, sometimes... perhaps the trick is to just get more consistent at it. :)  Today I was at a training session, and I realized that some of the things that I have been praying for for a long time are happening right now in my life.  I think it took a long time for me to believe that they could happen, and time for me to make the commitments I needed to in my life to allow them to happen... but they are there, happening in my life.  I think that is remarkable.  Unfortunately I think that some of my prayers are kind of shallow.  I say things that I care about, but I don't know if I really believe that they can or will happen, so they lose that depth of meaning.  I am reminded of the Brother of Jared, who asked the Lord for a light source in the barges that they were going to travel in.  And the Lord said (in essence), "Good idea, Jared... how do you think we should go about getting you your light source?  It can't be fire... what else can you think of?"  I think the Lord does that for us sometimes as well.  We pray for something without knowing how or even thinking that it is possible sometimes.... and God says, well... this way won't work, and this other way that you've been toying with won't work... why don't you think about it and get back to me with a solution.   And if and when we do... then it happens.  Because we took the time to work it out, and make it our own.  We've thought about it enough so that it is real and possible in our minds, and we can believe in it. :)  I can only imagine what would happen if we stopped daydreaming about world peace or a Zion community and really started working it out and believing in it. :)  Amazing things can happen when we start believing in ourselves and in what we can make of the future. :)

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