Friday, June 21, 2002

Mark 10:9

"What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
Mark 10:9

We try to break a lot of things that God makes I think.  He blesses us with spectacular relationships in our lives, not just "significant others" but family and friends too... and we seem to break some of the best relationships somehow... either through anger, neglect, or a myriad of other reasons.  Other times we might break potential bonds just because we have built up personal biases against whatever it is.  Country music, bowling, brown cars, or people who hate LEGOs.  I think that we dismiss people from our lives too easily.  We forget that sociality is eternal... and that we are ALL brothers and sisters, not just the people in our immediate family. :)  There are other things that God puts together and we tear apart as well... I'm sure we only have to look at our own lives to see.  I think of it kind of as a huge jigsaw puzzle. :)  There we are, trying to fit other pieces to our own, but in the process we are pulling them out of the main puzzle, where God already has them fit in. :)  And even if we are fit in with part of the puzzle, we try to fit other pieces onto our own so desperately that we pound and pound them, trying to get them to reshape to fit with the rest of the puzzle.  So, you know... if God has put a portion of the puzzle together in the right way, let's not go and tear it up and see if we can do it better.  No matter how hard we try, we aren't going to be able to make a different picture magically appear.  God knows what the finished product is going to look like and we don't... so we need to trust him when he tells us that this piece goes here, and not there.

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