Saturday, June 15, 2002

John 18:11 -- On The Cups We Are Given

"Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my father hath given me, shall I not drink it?"
John 18:11

This is interesting.  It seems to show how absolutely self-determining Christ was.  He knew what was coming, that they would crucify him, and his friends were fighting for him.  If he walked away from the chain of events that had been set in place, he could have.  And actually, they had tried to take him before, but he walked away from each encounter unscathed.  Now it was time for him to submit to ridicule and execution instead, and he did, knowing what would happen at every step of the way.  That is amazing to me.  I think back on my life and if I had known some of the things that would happen to me, I would have had a very hard time walking into them, even knowing how those experiences have shaped and enhanced my life... but Christ, who knew everything that would happen beforehand, walked into it anyway, because it was the cup his Father gave him.

I think that this verse is kind of inspiring... after all, each of us has a cup before us that was given to us by the Father.  Shall we not drink it?  There is no point in fighting, or complaining, or running and hiding... it's our cup.  And it is the right one for us... so we might as well just get out there and drink it. :)

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