Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Hosea 4:3

"Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away."
Hosea 4:3

This sounds pretty bad... no fishes?  Things would have to be pretty rotten to get to that point.  It's mind-boggling.  The ocean is huge, you know... and all of them, gone?  One thing about living in the last days is that we are going to have to be ready for some changes.  We won't like all of them... I'm sure there have already been changes in our individual lives that we have had to make, but that were hard for us to accept... and we're going to have to pry our minds more and more open as we go on, because God isn't bound by our ideas of normalcy or frightened of change.  As we learn more, we'll find more and more things that we may find difficult to accept and to embrace... because God can't stop teaching us until we know all of the truth there is.  Not that he will just dump it all on us at once... he always gives us just as much as we can learn today, and no more.  We just have to work on being open to it instead of getting to one point and saying, that's it... no more;  I like myself and my life exactly as it is, and never want it to change.  Because even if what we have is good... staying at that level forever isn't. :)  Anyway, I am mostly babbling, but I was just blown away by no fishes... it is hard to live without them. :)

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