Friday, April 19, 2002

Jeremiah 31:25 -- On God's Healing

"For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul."
Jeremiah 31:25

I like this.  This chapter is talking about the last days, and this seems to say to me that God meets all of our needs... even when our souls are too tired to fight, or even when we are so filled with loss that we can't think straight... God will calm and fill us, even then.  During Christ's ministry, the blind from birth were healed with no need to learn to see, and the lame were healed without having to go through physical therapy.  He heals completely.  No matter what is wrong, God has the solution.

Sometimes it does seem like nothing will help, or that we are beyond aid.  We all feel that sometimes.  However, despite how it feels, God is there, helping and aiding us anyway. :)  God can heal any wound, and heal it completely, no matter how deep.


  1. Loved your commentary on this scripture. Thankful for what God let you see and feel in it

  2. Even you wan't to give up. Lot of wounds,full of heavy things. He is there to help you, even we are unrighteous, He's love is so powerful.
