Friday, February 22, 2002

Ezekiel 33:5

"He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him.  But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul."
Ezekiel 33:5

God gives us warnings in our lives.  Sometimes we have to be very watchful to see them, and very careful not to dismiss them when we first hear or feel them, but he always warns us when we are taking the wrong path... sometimes very strongly in an attempt to turn us aside from doing something that will sear our souls.  In the end, what we choose wrongly is so very much our responsibility, because God has attempted to turn us aside, again and again.  We can't argue our life choices away as being made in the heat of a moment, or using some paltry justification... because first God warns us, and then, when we choose the wrong anyway, he invites us back.  If, in the end, we are found on the wrong side of the battle, our death will be our own... but until that moment, God is doing all... even the very smallest things to preserve our lives and invite us back to his people.  Today, let us take heed of his warnings.  Let us turn our traitorous hearts aside, and rejoin our God in victory.

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