"And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny
not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the shedding of the
blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the
remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot."
Moroni 10:33
This morning right as I was waking up I thought of my mountain bike out there lonely on the back porch with all the pigeons, who unfortunately think that I am invading their territory. So, I went out and rescued it from them and brought it into my kitchen. ... and somehow, that whole experience brings this "without spot" thing a lot closer to home. :) I think that sometimes in our lives we get just as filthy as this mountain bike is... and whether is is because we sit still and get hit by the bombers from above... or whether we jump in head-first, the result is the same... (although that mental image of a swimming pool filled with... ugh.) So, I look at this mountain bike and I think... what an amazing thing it is that God offers us. The opportunity, despite all of our mistakes and sins, to become perfect... through the atonement of Christ. To be washed clean... wholly without spot, and holy, without spot. :) I know that in my life I sometimes get as horribly caked with sin as this mountain bike is caked with pigeon droppings... and it is just as disgusting and offensive. Underneath all of that, we are beautiful, spiritual creatures... created in the image of God. But we cover it all up with our chosen uglinesses of addiction or cruelty or indulgence.
Today... don't let yourself get covered in filth. Remember that someone is watching over you who is a lot better than I am to my mountain bike. He offers you that amazingly great feeling of being 100% clean. We can repent, we can change. We can become anything that we and God can dream. ... no matter how filthy we are right now, if we look to Christ, focus on him... he will help us do what it takes in our lives to take advantage of his atonement... and every single spot of filthiness will disappear, and we will be standing bright and spotless before him at the last day.
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