Wednesday, May 23, 2001

Proverbs 31:31

"Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."
Proverbs 31:31

This is both cool, and kind of scary.  This chapter of Proverbs talks about a virtuous woman... what she is like, and in this last verse of the chapter it is talking about the rewards of her efforts... and her reward is that she gets to enjoy her works.  This is cool, because if we build Zion, then we will get to live there.  If we build amazingly good relationships, then we will get to enjoy them... if we build a relationship with God, then, in the end, that is the reward... an amazing relationship with God.  It *is* amazing to be able to get the fruit of your own hands... and be able to see all of the things that you struggled to build come to fruition.
I guess the scary part is if you are only pretending to do all of those things in your life. :)  Then what do you get? :)  A pretend life?
So, today... let's be real.  Build something good... and God will perfect our construction, and bless it and let us enjoy it forever, whether it be community, family, or good works of any kind.  Let's just be careful of what we are building.  We have to live there forever.

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