Monday, April 9, 2001

Matthew 27:65

"Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can."
Matthew 27:65

This is interesting to me, that Pilate doesn't sound very positive about the ability of anyone to make sure Christ stayed dead. :)  As Easter approaches, we all celebrate Christ's resurrection, and the power over death that he gained and that he grants to each of us, allowing us to also be resurrected, and to live forever in peace... pretty cool deal. :)  Hopefully, what we are watching for in this life is not something that is promised that we don't want to happen... hopefully, we are looking forward to the fulfillment of God's promises. :)  Because, no matter what, nothing was going to hold Christ in that tomb... and nothing we can do can prevent God's plan from coming to a successful end. :)  Hopefully we are watching for the right things. :)

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