Friday, April 27, 2001

John 14:15

"If ye love me, keep my commandments."
John 14:15

One of the cool things about God is that he is never about bossing us around.  He is strongly about our freedom to choose.  If we don't want to follow him, then we don't have to... and unless we do something really over-the-top bad, we still end up in a place that is comfortable for us, with as much happiness as we can handle. :)  God is about getting us to see that there is something better than we are currently choosing... no matter how good our path is, there is always something better in store.  And, if we follow God, we'll find it.  So, he says, basically... if you don't love me, if you don't trust me, then you can have what you're having right now, and enjoy what you are enjoying.  However... if you love me... if you trust me to lead you to a better place, then come... let's find something that is a hundred, a thousand times better than this... and once you're used to that, we can go on to better places and things that you can't even imagine yet.
So, today... always... let's love him.  Trust him.  Follow him.  He will lead *anyone* to the promised land, as he has so many times in the past.  Even you.  even me.  If we believe him, love him... trust that he will lead us to great things, then let's give it a try.  Let's keep his commandments, and see what happens. :)

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