Friday, April 20, 2001

Doctrine and Covenants 90:36

"But verily I say unto you, that I, the Lord, will contend with Zion, and plead with her strong ones, and chasten her until she overcomes and is clean before me."
Doctrine and Covenants 90:36

This is a hard thing for me... accepting criticism.  Even from God, who I know, absolutely, has my best interests in mind.  I think the worst thing in the world is when someone things that I am ignorant or incompetent... so, it is hard to admit that I really am, quite often, both of those things. :)  Yesterday we were in another "team-building" meeting at work, talking about things like empowerment and leadership... the thing is, the best leaders are the ones that serve the people they lead, as Christ did, and does.  God empowers us in actuality, granting us a portion of his own power, and letting us choose what we will in this life.  And, hard as it is to hear from anyone, chastening is better from God as well.  God only chastens us when he wants us to be better.  He never chastens us just to prove that he is cooler, or to assert his power.  He never chastens us unjustly, or because he doesn't understand us. :)  The chastening from God is always intended to make us better, cleaner, brighter... and to bring us closer to God, who loves us and wants to hang out with us when we are ready. :)  And that is what true friends do for each other as well... they chasten with love, in order to help us to grow.  And, you know... even unjust chastisement probably has a good purpose.  Humility, however learned, is a great asset.  When we realize that the world really doesn't revolve around us, it is a terrible blow... but it certainly teaches us a lot, and allows us so many more opportunities to learn. :)  So, today... let's try to embrace the chastening, and see it as an opportunity to refine ourselves, and to become the greatest people we can be. :)

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