Friday, April 13, 2001

Alma 7:23

"And now I would that ye should be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive."
Alma 7:23

This is something good to think about today... sometimes we get overwhelmed with the things that God asks us not to do, and so thinking about some of the things that he wants us to do might be a good change. :)  Submissive and gentle.  I like that that these are the first things on the list... and also that these words are directed to everyone, not just women, in our society's traditional female gender-role.  We should all be gentler with each other, submissive rather than aggressive in our interpersonal dealings.  Easy to be entreated is a cool thing as well; we should make it easy for people to ask us for help, for assistance, or for mercy.  Listen, and grant the request if you can.  Patience and long-suffering is difficult sometimes, but essential.  We can't let persons a-k frustrate us, and then blow up when persons l and m come along. :)  We have to be cool to persons y and z, even though they might be acting inappropriately.  Temperate is a good word... we have to have a temperate climate with people.  We can't go all stormy on them, and especially we shouldn't bellow thunder and flash lightning at them. :)
The last part of the scripture is about being patient with God as well... being diligent in keeping the commandments even though sometimes we don't see the why, or we don't see the end result.  Taking the time to ask God for whatever we need, instead of just grumbling that he didn't give it to us in the first place... and thanking God for the things that he grants us in our lives.

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