Monday, March 5, 2001

Helaman 12:26

"And may God grant, in his great fulness, that men might be brought unto repentance and good works, that they might be restored unto grace for grace, according to their works."
Helaman 12:26

The phrase that sticks out to me here is the phrase "in his great fulness."  ... Isn’t that one of the reasons that we trust God?  Because he has it all... the infinite, eternal perspective... the detailed knowledge of everyone and everything... he is SO much wiser than we are, _plus_ he has all the information.  I mean... *all* of it.  That is amazing to me.  So, you know, if you have a question... God is the guy to go to. :)  Every answer you ever wanted to know... even the ones that no one on earth has a clue about... God knows.  And if you need the information, and humble enough to seek it out... and to accept it... God will grant it to you.  It is hilarious to me (at least today) how we each keep walking around and deciding whether parts of the truth are true individually... "for me."  We take God's word and run it through the filter of personal opinion, and then throw some of it out because it doesn't match what we think.  Bizarre.  The thing is, if God were less accessible and popular we'd probably believe him.  We'd spend years trying to get to the holy city to seek the advice of the One Oracle... and we'd kneel before him, and he'd give us a sentence of pure wisdom and an impossible quest... and then we'd spend the rest of our lives living by that sentence, and seeking to fulfil the quest.  But because it is easier than a trip to the Andes, we feel free to select only what we want, and throw the rest of that precious truth away.
What is that about?  Do we really believe, in our heart of hearts, that we know better?  that we know the world, or even ourselves, better than he does?  That’s silly... but that is exactly how we act sometimes.  As though the universe revolved around us as individuals... and how close to the truth that is.  God's job is to bring to bass our immortality and eternal life... we are that we might have joy... so, yeah... the universe is there so that we can enjoy life... forever.  That is cool... but despite our personal delusions, God is the way there... and dedicated to the journey.

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