Saturday, October 7, 2000

Alma 38:8

"And it came to pass that I was three days and three nights in the most bitter pain and anguish of soul; and never, until I did cry out unto the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy, did I receive a remission of my sins.  But behold, I did cry unto him and I did find peace to my soul."
Alma 38:8

I think that this is interesting because so many times in life we cause pain to ourselves, or we suffer through things longer than we need to.  For every problem, there is a solution... and the quicker we find it, the sooner the pain the problem causes will go away.  Alma is amazing here, for only suffering three days.  I know that I have held on to some things much, much longer than that.  We look around for other solutions, other ways to bring peace to our souls... but ultimately, there is no other way.  Christ is always the answer.  We can all find peace, if we will look to him for it.

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