Sunday, May 7, 2000

Isaiah 19:15

"Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which the head or tail, branch or rush, may do."
Isaiah 19:15

Okay, this might seem like a bizarre scripture to use today, but I thought it was cool.  this is one of Isaiah's prophecies which has already been fulfilled once, but you know how these themes get repeated. :)  Anyway... talking about the destruction of Egypt, and it talks about "the head and the tail" ... and in the footnote for that phrase, it says that it means the different levels of society.  This phrase pops up in so many places in the scriptures, I thought it was a good thing to know.  It's like in Revelations (2:23)... when it says that the Lord searcheth the reins and hearts, and the footnote tells us that it means desires and thoughts...
anyway, interesting in content as well... that this is a bad thing that happened to Egypt... that there was no work for anyone.  Most people dream of that, but the Lord shows us here that, once again, idleness is not usually a good thing. :)

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