Thursday, December 16, 1999

Daniel 12:10

"Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."
Daniel 12:10

Daniel is another guy (prophet guy) that talks about the end of the world, and so this is going with our theme of the end of the world... and it relates (at least in my troubled mind) to a lot of other things that I have been thinking about lately. For instance, this morning I was reading Jacob... "O be wise, what can I say more?" ... and obviously he had more to say than that, but I thought it was interesting that Daniel talks about the wise being able to understand... especially when we are talking about the last days. That isn't an easy thing to understand. Earlier in this same chapter it says that the wise will shine ... and so I wonder if that is part of what is happening here... being purified and made white, kind of a polishing analogy... when you get rid of all the uncertainty and mistakes, and then we shine because we finally understand what is going on, and who we are in relation to all of it. Sometimes I get frustrated because I don't understand all of that right now, but that is why the scripture has the part about purification... this understanding is a lifetime pursuit. Even in the previous chapter (11:35) it says that some with understanding will fall, and that is part of the purification process. So, we face things that seem paradoxical in our everyday lives, emotions, beliefs... solutions that will only work if our society suddenly becomes righteous... and facing those things and working through them help us to become purified and white. Also, the scripture says... the wicked will do wickedly. I think that is telling us, remember, do what you can, and don't stress about the things you can't change. Eventually, as we work at it... we will understand.

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