Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mosiah 23:7

"But he said unto them: Behold, it is not expedient that we should have a king; for thus saith the Lord: Ye shall not esteem one flesh above another; therefore I say unto you it is not expedient that ye should have a king."
Mosiah 23:7

"Ye shall not esteem one flesh above another." We get echoes of this in many scriptures. Alma 5 asks whether we will persist in supposing that we are better than each other, and other scriptures talk about similar things, saying that we shouldn't possess things that are above another (D&C 49:20), that there should be equality (Mosiah 27:3)... we have lots of Zion scriptures talking about the ideal of having no poor, and having all things common, and we've talked about some of those scriptures recently. It seems like God really cares about this idea of how we think about other people. It's hard in some ways, because so much of life is comparison... we observe other people to learn how to behave, what is acceptable in certain groups, etc. So when we're anywhere, doing anything, there is usually comparison going on, at least in the background. More or less education, better or worse title, married or not, children or not, who is more beautiful or has smarter or more well-behaved kids, who has cooler clothes or jewelry or hairstyle or who can win in a battle of wits, or fists, or sarcasm, or self-righteousness... who is better at this or that... who has a better car, or house, or toaster. ;) Maybe today we can let go of some of that, or not tap into it... remember that we are equals in the sight of God. That, yes, we all have strengths, but we all have weaknesses as well. Maybe we're better than someone in one way, at one task or in one worldly measure... but if we step back and look, that other person is probably better than we are with something else, or in another way of measuring. We aren't superior... and they aren't superior either. We're the same. All working on the puzzle of life together. Maybe instead of competing, we can relax a little bit and learn from and help each other. Today, let's try to let go of comparisons and power struggles, and work on equality, and recognizing the value in ourselves *and* in the people around us.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Titus 3:1-2

"Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work,
To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men."
Titus 3:1-2

Sometimes it makes me cringe when the scriptures tell me to be meek, and to submit or be subject to anyone... maybe because you see a lot of corruption in the world, but probably mostly because I don't like submitting. I want to do my thing, and be in charge. :) Thankfully for the world, I am not... God is. :) I think this is similar to our article of Faith that tells us to obey, honor, and sustain the law. We need to submit to those that we as a society have placed in charge. The part that really gets me here is "to speak evil of no man" (and I'm sure this includes women as well... no squirming out of it). I think that is tough. I'm sure that it includes bosses, co-workers, brothers and sisters, and presidential candidates. ... Used-car salesmen, lawyers, spouses, children, and whoever cheated or took advantage of us today as well. That's a tough one. But good, and something that brings us closer to our commandment to love our enemies, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to set an example for all. I love that God commands us to be gentle here. I wonder today, if we can be... can we focus on loving the people around us, no matter what they've done, and be gentle with everyone? It's a tough thing to ask, but God *has* asked it... so I say, let's go for it. :) Today, no speaking evil of anyone, and work on being gentle. I think we can do it if we try. :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Doctrine and Covenants 24:8

"Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days."
Doctrine and Covenants 24:8

This is cool. I mean, it seems a little scary at first... God saying straight out... you're going to have many afflictions. And patience has never been my strong suit. ... But really, it is cool. God is asking us to have patience and endure, and telling us that we are going to be loaded down with afflictions... but he is ALSO saying that he will stick with us through it all, even to the very end. And that part makes all the difference. God loves us. In order to get back to him, we have to learn this stuff. Some of it is heart-breaking, and some of it is just so incredibly frustrating when we don't learn as fast as we would like to, or when other people are involved and they are stubborn and won't do everything we want (ha ha)... there are so many lessons to take in and so much self-modification involved in learning to be more like God and trying to walk the way he asks us to... but he is willing to be there for all of it, and help us, because he wants us back with him... he wants us to succeed, and to master all the lessons, and to be so much better and stronger and more pure than we are. I think it is easier to face anything with a friend beside you... and God, here, commits to be there through it all. Makes everything that much easier. Whatever we're facing today, let's remember that God is with us, and remember to talk to him about it, and get his help and his comfort in facing whatever the day brings us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Matthew 1:18-19

"Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily."
Matthew 1:18-19

I think that this is interesting... I'm sure that we know the story of the virgin birth already, but taking a step back, I think that God was amazingly merciful here. The virgin birth would have happened anyway... God didn't have to save Mary and Joseph's marriage. But he did. Letting Joseph know what was up. He didn't do it right away though... Mary was pregnant, Joseph found out, and he had to decide what to do... a public condemnation for adultery, or just a small private disavowal. Either way, the relationship was going to end. I'm sure that Joseph didn't even consider a miracle... an "exception" of that magnitude. He thought about the options that he thought he had... but God gave him better options, revealing the truth that he had never considered. ... I think that we can learn from this in a way. Perhaps we can remember that miracles happen, and that we never have all the information. We don't know what it is like for another person, or why they have done what they have. Sometimes situations aren't the way they appear, or there are extenuating circumstances that only God knows about. Maybe if we remember that today, and make God a part of every interaction and relationship, we can learn to be kinder and more forgiving... not making a public example, even if things turn out as we expect, and opening our hearts to those miracles that do happen, even when we think there is no hope. Remember Joseph, and the choices we all have that we don't see.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Doctrine and Covenants 104:15-16

"And it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine.
But it must needs be done in mine own way; and behold this is the way that I, the Lord, have decreed to provide for my saints, that the poor shall be exalted, in that the rich are made low."
Doctrine and Covenants 104:15-16

I think this is interesting. It's easy to see the inequities in life... they are all around us. And, as with other problems we sometimes think that God should do something about it... fix it, or snap his fingers and make it disappear. :) I'm human too... I know we all wish that from time to time. But we see again that there is purpose in everything, and God does want the inequities remedied... by us. He wants us to share our abundance with the people that don't have enough.... till it becomes like another scripture we looked at recently, and there is no rich or poor, bond or free... but everyone is one. Do we really think that we can get there without personal effort? I think we dream it sometimes, but down deep we know that we need to learn it in order for it to last. God asks for a lot of things... and this isn't as hard as some of the others... like maybe loving our enemies, or being perfect. :) So, let's try it. Today, let's find a way to share our abundance with someone who needs it. Maybe we have to put off something that we wanted... but is that important compared to someone else's need? Let's start making God's plan of balancing work... and as we do it, we'll be blessed, and able to adjust the balance more. :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

1 Thessalonians 5:19

"Quench not the Spirit."
1 Thessalonians 5:19

Sometimes short verses seem simple, since with such few words you should be able to get your head around it. :) The cool thing is that even short ones like this have so much depth. Quench not the spirit means to not do anything to stifle the spirit, or to prevent yourself from feeling the spirit... and how much is involved with that? A lot. It means we have to do things to encourage the spirit to be there with us... reading our scriptures and praying are some of the basics of that. It also means that we have to avoid doing things that will drive away the spirit. Lying, cheating, stealing, and some of the other commandments... murder, inappropriate sexual behavior, etc. Some of the basics. Beyond the basics there is even more... being kind, avoiding criticism. Until one day, every moment is filled with the Spirit. ... Which I think would be utterly amazing. Today, we shouldn't be down on ourselves because we aren't there yet, but let's work on it. Let's think about it today, as we go throughout our day... what can we do during the day to invite the spirit? What things can we avoid doing that might quench the spirit? ... And, in general, the more spirit, the better the day... so let's go out and have the best day ever. :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Doctrine and Covenants 45:58-59

"And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.
For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver."
Doctrine and Covenants 45:58-59

This section covers a lot of stuff that happens before the second coming... lots of it challenging for anyone who has to live through it. But after, it has this, which is amazingly cool, and shows us the reason, or the purpose behind all of the previous calamity. Raising children without sin? Wow. Living in the presence of God? Wow wow wow... there is nothing bad that can compare with that overwhelming good... and knowing that is the end, that it doesn't end with the bad stuff happening, but moves on to the happily ever after. :) ... And I think that our lives are like that, no matter what we may wonder sometimes when we're in the middle of the challenging part in chapter 15. The story continues... and it WILL end well, as in the verse. No matter what it feels like now, and no matter what we have to endure (and triumph over) in the meantime. Everything will be okay, all will be well, and all manner of things will be good. Promise. :) ... So, today, let's let go of some of the stress and worry we have about the future, and know that it is safely in God's hands. He'll deliver the happy ending. We just have to keep turning the pages. :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

4 Nephi 1:2-3

"And it came to pass in the thirty and sixth year, the people were all converted unto the Lord, upon all the face of the land, both Nephites and Lamanites, and there were no contentions and disputations among them, and every man did deal justly one with another.
And they had all things common among them; therefore there were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift."
4 Nephi 1:2-3

Stuff like this is so cool it is mind-boggling. "Every man did deal justly one with another." "There were not rich and poor." ... Stuff like that is overwhelming. It seems so foreign to our present society. No contentions or disputations either... and these were real humans, from the same planet we live on. :) Today, maybe we can work on making some of this happen in our lives. Let's deal justly; let's not contend; let's not treat people differently based on how much money they have. ... and I'm not saying this is a snap. I think it will be tough to get through even one day without disputations or with absolute justice. But even though it will be hard, let's make the effort. Building that kind of Zion society... and ourselves into those sort of Zion people... makes every difficulty worth it in the end. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jeremiah 2:19-21

"Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord God of hosts.
For of old time I have broken thy yoke, and burst thy bands; and thou saidst, I will not transgress; when upon every high hill and under every green tree thou wanderest, playing the harlot.
Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me?"
Jeremiah 2:19-21

This is really interesting... in the initial verse it seems like God is telling us that he isn't going to send down a lightning bolt from heaven to tell us that we have screwed up, and to punish us... we get sufficiently punished by the consequences of our disobedience. I think this works for me at least... I know that when I do something that isn't right, I look at myself and realize how much I don't want to be a person who does things like that... I don't want to be lazy and cruel and selfish... or whatever it is that particular day... and knowing who I am when I act that way is a big deterrent. Also... I realize how much help I need to change... and until I get on my knees and ask God to help me, and overcome the mistake that I made... I don't have access to that help.
Then, the next verse seems to me to be talking about consistency. We try to make things cool between ourselves and God... promise him that we'll do good... but as soon as that guilt-of-the-moment is gone... we're back out there... wandering under every green tree. :) When God rescues us from the pain of realizing who we are becoming when we screw up... then we need to *change* and become someone better... or we are back to the first verse that told us that we'll be punished by the very mistakes we keep making.
Then the last verse is interesting too... talking about who we are truly... we have the capacity and everything we need to be pure and clean and good... and more than that... amazing and abundant... we have the ability to change the world... to make not only our lives, but other people's lives better. So, since that is what God planted, don't believe it when you look at yourself and see a weed that needs to be pulled. We are punished by our mistakes, but it doesn't change our natures... we are good and true and have the capacity for divinity. If we can remember that, maybe we can break the cycle.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Revelation 3:19

"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."
Revelation 3:19

It strikes me today how true this is with God. In our earth lives we are here to learn, and so we need feedback to know where we need to improve and grow... that is *essential* to our success and continued progression. Even the amazingly highly-favored Brother of Jared was chastised by God for not remembering to call upon him. God gives us feedback and reminders and ... a conscience... for a reason. It isn't so that we can feel guilty all the time, or that we can learn to be sad or hate ourselves... it is so that we can take those lessons and change our lives, and improve, and learn to walk before him without spot, or regret, or stress or guilt. To be bold and confident before him, knowing that we are washed clean and that God is pleased with who we are. We can't get there without that feedback, without God telling us what we're doing wrong... and he gives us that feedback because he loves us and wants us to succeed. ... and part of that is some zealous repentance. I love that word zealous here... fervent, or even excited repentance... because we're doing it because we believe in it, and we believe God and that he is making us into far better people than we currently are. :) Let's work on that today... listening to God's loving feedback and chastening... and that fervency and zeal in repenting and changing our lives for the better.