Monday, April 14, 2003

John 10:33-34

"The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Gods?"
John 10:33-34

One of my students last semester, when he found out that I was a Mormon, proceeded to inform me that even though I probably didn't know, because it was a secret thing only known to the higher-ups in the church, that the Mormons believed that they were going to become Gods, and that is why he could never believe that religion.  ... It is interesting to me that that is such a stumbling block for people.  To me, it makes total sense.  We're children of God, destined someday to become like him.  It's cool, it's hopeful... it's perfect.  It makes so many other things fall into place.  Somehow I think that this student associated it with snobbery... like we were going to become Gods and all the other people were just going to be little chess pieces in our great game of manipulation.  Instead, I think of it differently.  We all, members and non-members alike, have the potential to become like God.  Just like we, as small children, have the potential to grow up to become like our Earthly parents.  It takes a lot of work and a lot of study to reach our potential, and the church is part of that... helping us to reach our potential, and helping us to do the work that it takes to give everyone the same opportunities.  Hopefully we get closer to reaching our potential every day... including today.  Let's work on it, shall we? :)

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Mosiah 29:38

"Therefore they relinquished their desires for a king, and became exceedingly anxious that every man should have an equal chance throughout all the land; yea, and every man expressed a willingness to answer for his own sins."
Mosiah 29:38

This is something that I don't think that we see every day... people expressing a willingness to answer for their own sins. :)  We're always trying to blame something or someone else.  The circumstances, the environment... nature... sometimes even God.  Really, though, we've been given an overwhelming gift in having a chance to answer for our own thoughts and actions.  Liberty, freedom... words that get a lot of press lately.  That is what God's plan is all about.  If we want the benefits of freedom, we also have to accept the responsibilities.  They go together.  If all I really learn in this life is how to play Tetris really, really well, I am going to have to explain that to God.  And when I am up there, do you think that he (or even I) will be inclined to listen to all my excuses about the Tetris-happy household I grew up in, or the Tetris-addict friends that I hung out with?  No.  He's going to ask me why I didn't learn something worthwhile, or at least capitalize on my Tetris-enhanced manipulative talent and become a bricklayer or *something.*  And that's good.  My parents and friends shouldn't be blamed for my Tetris addiction... or any other.  I'm free.  I can play Tetris OR write the Scripture of the Day.  I can play Tetris OR do some editing... etc.  We have a great gift living here on earth... our freedom to choose.  Today, let's choose wisely, and remember that the responsibility for our choices rests with each of us individually.  If bad things are influencing you, divorce yourself from that situation or environment... you can.  That's what freedom is about. :)

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Doctrine and Covenants 38:19-20

“And I will give it unto you for the land of your inheritance, if you seek it with all your hearts.
And this shall be my covenant with you, ye shall have it for the land of your inheritance, and for the inheritance of your children forever, while the earth shall stand, and ye shall possess it again in eternity, no more to pass away.”
Doctrine and Covenants 38:19-20

I was looking at the calendar this morning and thinking... April 10th... hmm, now why does that seem significant?  And then I realized that April 10th, eleven years ago, was the day that I was released from my mission.  It seems like so many things have happened since then, and yet it hasn't been long at all in the overall view of life. :)  Which brings me to this scripture.  God said these words through the prophet Joseph Smith in 1831.  He said similar words to Abraham, to Nephi, and to other prophets.  I think that he is saying it to all of us.  It can be an immediate promise, if you are trying to carve out a niche for yourself or your family, but it is also a gigantic promise in the overall view of life. :)  This earth is going to be the Celestial Kingdom, and if God gives us the right to the land, then we'll get to be here when that is complete.  Eternity is a pretty good amount of time for an inheritance. :)
The key here, and with a lot of the gospel, is that we have to seek it with all our hearts... there is a double meaning there as well.  The first is that we have to be completely dedicated to gaining an inheritance in the Celestial Kingdom.  Completely.  We can't sit there and say, "hmmm... I don't know... how many square feet do I get?  Maybe the Terrestrial Kingdom can offer me more..."  We can't try to hold onto any souvenirs of hell when we travel to heaven.  It will take everything we have... every ounce of dedication that we possess... to achieve that goal.  And, it is worth that, and worth much more than we can offer besides.  The second meaning is that it will take all our hearts, plural... as a group... to achieve that goal.  We're here together for a reason.  We have the opportunity to help each other and to build the kind of Zion community that we want to live in, in our hearts, and start radiating it out to everyone we meet.  Living the gospel is a challenge at times, and we've all been tested and tried.  When we are strong, we have people we can help, and when we're weak, we have others to help us.  That is what being part of a Zion community is about.  Let's work at being worthy of our inheritance. :)

Thursday, April 3, 2003

Alma 4:12

"Yea, he saw great inequality among the people, some lifting themselves up with their pride, despising others, turning their backs upon the needy and the naked and those who were hungry, and those who were athirst, and those who were sick and afflicted."
 Alma 4:12

Alma seems very distressed by this, but I think sometimes that we have become desensitized to it.  Inequality is all around us.  We're used to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, and the gap between people ever widening.  I wonder what it would be like to live in a society that *wasn't* filled with inequality.  Where there were no street people, because we took care of them.  Where we had no need for homeless shelters, because we sheltered them.  Wouldn't it be nice going through your daily life, knowing that other people were watching out for you, instead of perhaps trying to take advantage of you, or even just where we helped each other instead of scrambling to individually make ends meet?  As we go throughout our lives today, let's try to imagine the things that would change... and to the best of our ability, let's change our actions to conform to that dream. :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2003

Mark 5:36

"As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe."
Mark 5:36

I think that we often have doubt creep into our minds about the eventual outcome of a lot of things.  War stresses us out... not to mention financial things, interpersonal things with family and friends, and personal struggles.  Satan keeps trying to tell us that we can't succeed... we're too far gone, or it is too hard to overcome this or that, or we'll never have enough money, time, success... whatever.  ...but God says to us, "Be not afraid, only believe."  Things WILL work out.  Everything will be okay.  Whatever it is, it isn't the end of the world, or even something that should destroy a whole day.  God is there, and he knows what he is doing, and after we have a little trial of our faith, things always work out better than they were before. :)  Today, let's try to listen to God when he tells us not to fear.  With him on our side, nothing is frightening. :)

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